Dear Parents/Guardians, Welcome to all current & new Faith Formation families. We are beginning another year of shared responsibility in building Christian values and educational knowledge of our religion in the young people God has entrusted in our care. Please remember faith is “womb to tomb.” Your desire to be active in your children’s growth in faith is important as it will help them form intentional faith habits. When your children live an active life of faith, it improves every other part of their life. We are a strong community at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish. In this year of Eucharistic Revival, we will kick off with a Faith Formation Mass on our start dates. There will be a Mass for both Sunday and Monday sessions. Therefore, Sunday’s kick-off is on September 15th at 9:00 am Mass followed by a meet and greet with the catechists in your children’s classrooms. The Monday session begins on September 16th at 6:00 pm Mass, followed by a meet and greet with the catechists in their classrooms. All are asked to bring their book bags or backpacks as we will have a Blessing of the bookbags. We will need three lectors, 6 ushers, 6 greeters, and if parents are Extraordinary Ministers, we would love for you to participate in the Mass also. Let me know how your children would like to participate in the Mass. I will get the readings to them as soon as possible. Attendance for the first session is very important as it helps children understand their faith formation leads them to fuller participation in the Mass (liturgy). September 22/23there is a Mandatory Parent Meeting in Marian Hall after you drop your children off in class. At least one parent must attend this meeting. There will be food following the meeting for both Sunday and Monday sessions so please come hungry!! We are celebrating!! Note: There is a time change to the Sunday sessions: 10:15 – 11:30 am. The time change is due to the 9:00 am Mass sometimes running over, and all Catechists/families want to receive Communion and final blessing before classes begin. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) will begin September 29. This is the 3–5-year-old class in the Atrium on the second floor of the school. We are looking forward to this new year! May God Bless you and your family!! Mrs. Brown and our Faith Formation Team